SIP Automatic Ozone Sanitisation Saves Energy and Reduces Carbon.

SIP Neo3 Automatically sanitises your cooler instead of you. The resulting hygiene level protects your

customers health, whilst SIP sleep mode reduces their electricity bill.







What does SIP Neo3 do?

  • It automatically sanitises your bottled or POU cooler overnight, every night 24/7.
  • It ensures maximum cooler hygiene and thereby protects young or immune deficient users, as well as the general public
    if the mains supply gets contaminated.
  • By activating SIP 12-hour Sleep Mode from 18.00 to 06.00 plus Sleep Mode on weekends, your customer can make
    significant savings in electricity.
  • A Hot & Cold Cooler without Sleep Mode would use 983KWH per year. With Sleep Mode this reduces to 377KWH,
    a saving of 61% at 14p per KWH which would equate to a saving of £85 per year!!
  • The saving for an Ambient & Chilled Cooler, using the same formula saves 56% amounting to £11 per year.


How does SIP Neo3 work?